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Is your I2C bus not ACK'ing the way you expect? Do you need to discover a UART's mysterious baud rate? Or do you want to reverse engineer an SPI protocol? These all sound like jobs for a logic analyzer! With the growing ubiquity of UART, I2C, and SPI sensors, logic analyzers are becoming a tool everyone needs in their toolbox or on their workbench. This 8-channel USB Logic Analyzer with support for sampling rates of up to 24MHz provides a good while economic option making it a great tool for quickly diagnosing most communication issues we encounter.

These analyzers will work with both 3.3V and 5V systems (up to 5.25V max and 2.0V minimum on a high logic-level) and is powered via an included mini-B USB cable. This logic analyzer works with PulseView -- an open-source, cross-platform signal analysis software suite.

The analyzer ships with Female-To-Female jumper wires. If you're using an Uno or board with female headers we recommend picking up a handful of Male-To-Male jumpers to connect the analyzer to the female headers.

Note: On some units the GND connection that's adjacent to input six isn't actually a ground, it appears to be some sort of clock signal. We recommend not using that pin for anything just to be safe.




With this latest revision of the USB Logic Analyzer, the USB Mini B connector was replaced with a more up-to-date USB Type C connector.
