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Have you ever been in a situation where you need two communication methods for your project? How about when a serial port is occupied by another serial device, and you still need to setup wireless communication?

The DFRobot Bees shield can solve these problems. The Bees shield is compatible with Arduino boards such as arduino UNO R3 and arduino Leonardo. It has a large prototyping shield giving you plenty of space to experiment and add extra components to your project. Thanks to this uniform interface, there are many devices compatible with the xBee socket: xBee, WiFi xBee, Bluetooth Bee, zigBee, etc.

The Bees shield is stackable and practical; it gives more flexibility to your projects. Although it is an old design, it is still very practical!


  • Operating Voltage: 3.3V~5V
  • xBee slots: 2
  • Serial port: Hardware Serial port and Software Serial port
  • Arduino compatible
  • DIP prototyping area
  • Dimension: 92 mm * 56 mm/ 3.62 inches * 2.2 inches



  • Bees Shield x1