Italy 정품 Arduino Nano v3.0 (미니 USB 케이블 약 60cm 포함입니다)


The Arduino Nano is a small, complete, and breadboard-friendly board based on the ATmega328P (Arduino Nano 3.x).
It has more or less the same functionality of the Arduino Duemilanove, but in a different package.
It lacks only a DC power jack, and works with a Mini-B USB cable instead of a standard one.

Getting Started
You can find in the Getting Started section all the information you need to configure your board,
use the Arduino Software (IDE), and start tinker with coding and electronics. 

Need Help?

On the Software on the Arduino Forum
On Projects on the Arduino Forum
On the Product itself through our Customer Support


Microcontroller: ATmega328
Architecture: AVR
Operating Voltage: 5V
Flash Memory: 32KB of which 2KB used by bootloader
Clock Speed: 16MHz
Analog IN Pins: 8
DC Current perI/O Pins: 40mA(I/O Pins)
Input Voltage: 7-12 V
Digital I/O Pins: 22(6 of which are PWM)
PWM Output: 6
Power Consumption: 19 mA
PCB Size: 18 x 45 mm
Weight: 7 g
Product Code: A000005


최신버전의 아두이노 IDE 설치후 보드매니저에서 AVR Board 역시 최신 버전으로 업데이트 후 사용하세요
Arduino IDE--->Tool--->Nano--->보드타입은 Atmega328P로 선택 (Atmega328P OLD 는 안됩니다!)