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Detect beta and gamma radiation with your own portable Geiger counter! The MightyOhm Geiger Counter Kit++ includes all components needed to build a completely open source, hackable, working Geiger counter. The Kit++ includes a Geiger tube, Acrylic case, and AAA batteries.

The on board LED and Buzzer provides Audio and Vision output on detection (with a mute button for sanity control). In addition, a serial output (via a pin-header) provides counts per second, counts per minute, and equivalent doses for logging and other uses. The whole system is run by an ATTiny2313 microcontroller and powered by two AAA batteries (included). Best of all, the design is 100% open source!

Note: Assembly of the MightyOhm Geiger Counter Kit++ does require soldering. If you are in need of tools, check our Soldering Category for plenty of options!