*Sparkfun 제품은 해외배송 입니다

배송기간 이 약 2주 소요 됩니다

해외배송 제품은 주문 후 취소가 불가능 합니다
교환,반품,기술지원 이 불가능 합니다

구매전 이점 꼭 확인해 주세요*

Description: As the field of embedded electronics gets more advanced, hobbyists and professionals are both in need of smaller and more powerful computers. The pcDuino2 is a high performance, cost effective mini PC platform that runs full-featured operating systems such as Ubuntu and Android ICS. Now included with the pcDuino2 is a built in Wi-Fi module and Arduino headers (finally with the same architecture as Uno boards) meaning you will no longer need to purchase a separate wireless module or shield adapter for this dev board!

It’s easy to hook up, just connect 5V power and a keyboard and mouse. The pcDuino2 outputs video to any HDMI enabled TV or monitor via the built in HDMI interface. It was specifically designed to make it easy for the open source community to develop computationally demanding projects using the vast, existing catalog of Arduino Shields.

An API has been developed for the pcDuino2 that allows the user to access all of the functions that you would expect using simple Arduino-style language.

Note: Our supplier has informed us that we are receiving a special version of the pcDuino2 with 4GB of onboard flash storage instead of the regular 2GB!

Dimensions: 125mm X 52mm

