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구매전 이점 꼭 확인해 주세요*

Description: This kit was designed to accompany Rob Faludi’s Building Wireless Sensor Networks book, which is the comprehensive guide to ZigBee wireless networks. This kit includes many of the parts and pieces you will need to work through the examples in the book. If you’re serious about learning everything you need to know about XBee networks, this kit and the book will get you up to speed in no time (or as long as it takes you to get through the book).

Note: The kit includes everything listed below and in the pictures. It includes many, but not all of the components needed. You may need an Arduino and some other components. This kit is not meant to be all-inclusive as you may already have some of the parts necessary.

Note: This kit currently includes a TMP36, but the manual references a LM335. Check this page for updated instructions.

Note: This product is a collaboration with Rob Faludi. A portion of each sales goes back to him for product support and continued development.

Note: If you are using these outside of the United States, please check with your local laws regarding radio communication.
