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구매전 이점 꼭 확인해 주세요*

Description: The WiiChuck Adapter is a small PCB that is designed to be inserted into the connector of a Nintendo Wii Nunchuck to provide access to all 4 wires of the remote. The power, ground and two-wire interface of the Nunchuck are all broken out to a 4-pin 0.1" pitch header.

The Wii Nunchuck is loaded with features – a 2-axis joystick, two buttons and a 3 axis ±2g accelerometer – and any device capable of I2C can communicate with it! The WiiChuck allows you to interface with the Nunchuck without making a mess and cutting the wires.

Note: This product is a collaboration with Tod E. Kurt. A portion of each sales goes back to them for product support and continued development.
